4D Chart v13

CT Chart data


4D Chart v13
CT Chart data

CT Chart data 


CT Chart data ( area ; type ; size ; groupCategory ; groupSeries ; numTable ; categoryField ; seriesField ; valuesField ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D Chart area
type  Integer in Type of graph (see codes below)
size  Integer in Option for initial size of graph 1 = Variable 2 = Relative to window (Auto-Variable) 3 = Relative to graph (Auto-Document)
groupCategory  Integer in Group the Category data? 0 = No 1 = Yes
groupSeries  Integer in Group the Series data? 0 = No 1 = Yes
numTable  Integer in Number of the table from which to graph data
categoryField  Integer in Number of the field to plot on the Category axis
seriesField  Integer in Number of the field to plot as the series
valuesField  Integer in Number of the field to plot on the Values axis
Function result  Longint in Object ID of the chart

CT Chart data creates a graph of the current selection of records of table. The function returns the chart’s Object ID.

The following table lists the codes for the type parameter.

CodeChart Type
3 Picture
82D XY
1003D Column
1013D Line
1023D Area
1033D Surface
1043D Triangle
1053D Spike

The size parameter determines how much space the graph fills when it is generated and how the graph size changes when you resize the window:

  • If you pass 1 (size Variable), the graph will fill the 4D chart area or the window. It will keep this size until you modify it using the handles.
  • If you pass 2 (size Relative to the window), the graph will fill the 4D chart area or the external window. If you later change the size of the window, the graph will adapt automatically. However, once you modify the size of the graph using the handles, this change will not take place anymore.
  • If you pass 3 (size Relative to the document), the graph will adapt to the dimensions of the page that you selected in the Page Setup dialog. It will keep this size until you modify the graph size using the handles.

groupCategory specifies whether or not the data on the Category axis should be grouped.

  • If groupCategory is equal to 1, then each category will be unique, and values for any duplicate categories will be summed.
  • If groupCategory is equal to 0, then the values for every category will be graphed separately.

groupSeries specifies whether or not the data on the Category axis should be grouped.

  • If groupSeries is equal to 1, then each category will be unique, and values for any duplicate categories will be summed.
  • If groupSeries is equal to 0, then the values for every category will be graphed separately.

table is the number of the table to graph. You can retrieve the number of a table by passing a pointer to the table as a parameter to the Table function.

categoryField is the number of the field to graph on the Category axis.

seriesField is the number of the field to graph on the Series axis. In a two-dimensional graph, the series are displayed on the Category axis. In a three-dimensional graph, the series are displayed on the Series axis.

valuesField is the number of the field to graph on the Values axis.

You can retrieve the number of a field by passing a pointer to the field as a parameter to the Field function.


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: CT Chart
Number: 14527


Alphabetical list of commands


Modified: 4D Chart 6


CT Chart arrays
CT Chart selection